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Main » Files » Prison Break Season

2009-05-16, 8:27 PM

Category: Prison Break Season | Added by: Kiss-Mihai
Views: 1185 | Downloads: 0 | Comments: 4 | Rating: 3.0/1
Total comments: 1
1 Jirayuth   (2012-07-18 1:28 PM) [Entry]
Greetings from the occasionally sunny, yet ever bleak west midalnds. I sat at my job earlier with 101 things to say, but it seems over thinking a whimsical, witty message is key to it’s absolute downfall and failure, yet I won’t be disheartened, I shall, of course, continue on regardless of my utterly blank mind.You may have come to the conclusion from reading the above lines that, perhaps, I’m a little fond of the sound of my own voice, this may be true, but irrelevant, so I continue once more.Dearest Peter, I hope life and your current living situation is treating you reasonably? I’ve never been to prison but can only imagine it’s no picnic!I’m finding it necessary to mention I am an avid and dedicated fan of all the music you have made. Like most starting off with the libertines in my teenage years, I actually lost my virginity to ‘The Libertines’ album, that was perhaps a little more than you needed to know. Let’s side-step around that. I was one of those teenage girls that felt compelled to plaster every inch of my bedroom walls with posters, The libertines being the focal point, of course…that seems quite embarrassing! Although saying that I currently have a poster of you up in my flat, not in a weird shrine-like way, I save that kind of worship for Morrissey! I don’t want to get corny and start talking of how your music has ‘saved my life’, because I find that to be slightly cringe worthy, but it has influenced me greatly and sincerely. At a time when, as far as I can see, music is dying on it’s arse, you are a light, a hope. For this I thank you.Like most I’m eagerly awaiting the next Babyshambles album, is there any plans of this for the near or near-ish future? Or even any Babyshambles gigs in the pipeline? I’ve seen you perform live 10 times now, but this isn’t enough! Although my greed for live shows could perhaps outweigh my financial capabilities, I’m willing to overlook this! I find it strange after having seen you play so many times, that this is the closest I feel I’ve ever got to you, well, not physically of course, you’re miles away.Oh, how rude of me, I realise now that I didn’t even introduce myself. I’m Sam, it’s been a pleasure.Take Care! x This was a little longer than intended, I'm a rambler.

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