IMDb: Blindness (2008) Lust is blind. Genre: Drama / Mystery / Romance Rating: 7.2 (4,715 votes) Plot Outline: A city is ravaged by an epidemic of instant "white blindness". Those first afflicted are quarantined... Description: The DiVX Lovers proudly presents... LSR Blindness.2008.DVDRiP.XViD-TDL Release Information - - - Release Date...: 12/03/08 Runtime......: 121 Min 6 Secs DVD Retail Date: N/A Release Size.: 97x15 MB Theater Date...: 10/03/08 Source.......: NTSC DVD Codec....: XviD (koepi) Video Bitrate: 1382Kbps Audio Codec....: AC3 2CH Audio Bitrate: 192Kbps Aspect Ratio...: 1.88:1 Resolution...: 512x272 Film Language..: English Subtitles....: N/A IMDB Rating....: 7.2/10 Genre........: Drama / Mistery Plot Summary - - - A city is ravaged by an epidemic of instant white blindness. Those first afflicted are quarantined by the authorities in an abandoned mental hospital where the newly created society of the blind quickly breaks down. Criminals and the physically powerful prey upon the weak, hording the meager food rations and committing horrific acts. There is however one eyewitness to the nightmare. A woman whose sight is unaffected by the plague follows her afflicted husband to quarantine. There, keeping her sight a secret, she guides seven strangers who have become, in essence, a family. She leads them out of quarantine and onto the ravaged streets of the city, which has seen all vestiges of civilization crumble. Their voyage is fraught with danger, yet their survival and ultimate redemption reflect the tenacity and depth of the human spirit. Cast - - - Director .... Fernando Meirelles Writer .... Jose Saramago Julianne Moore .... Doctors Wife Mark Ruffalo .... Doctor Alice Braga ....Woman with the Dark Glasses DESCARCA FILM Thrillerul psihologic "Blindness" pune si evidenta conditia fragila a umanitatii si are la baza romanul omonim al scriitorului portughez Jose Saramago, laureat al premiului Nobel pentru literatura. Atunci cand intreaga populatie a unui oras modern al zilelor noastre este afectata de o brusca, misterioasa si infioratoare maladie ce cauzeaza orbirea, un mic grup de persoane torturate de acesta dizabilitate se decid sa isi uneasca fortele pentru a depasi dificultatile oribile ale carantinei instituite de catre autoritati. Ei sunt fortati sa actioneze ca o comunitate unita si sa se bazeze pentru prima data unii pe ceilalti, dar mai ales pe capacitatile sotiei unui medic care, in mod straniu, pare sa fi ramas singura care nu a fost lovita de acesta epidemie ingrozitoare. Pentru a fi capabila sa isi ajute cat mai eficient sotul orb si pentru a salva orasul de haosul si dezordinea in care s-a scufundat treptat, femeia se preface a fi fost la randul sau afectata de boala, scapand astfel de sub interdictiile carantinei.