Slumdog Millionaire (2008) Genre: Crime / Drama / Romance Rating: 8.5 (5,843 votes) Plot Outline: The story of how impoverished Indian teen Jamal Malik became a contestant on the Hindi version of "Who Wants to be A Millionaire?" -- an endeavor made without prize money in mind, rather, an effort to prove his love for his friend Latika, who is an ardent fan of the show. Description: Slumdog Millionaire (200 DVDSCR XviD - NoGrp File size = 698MB Format = divx/xvid .avi Release Date: = 9 January 2009 (UK) Genre: Crime/Drama/Romance Directors: Danny Boyle,Loveleen Tandan PLOT: The story of how impoverished Indian teen Jamal Malik became a contestant on the Hindi version of "Who Wants to be A Millionaire?" -- an endeavor made without prize money in mind, rather, an effort to prove his love for his friend Latika, who is an ardent fan of the show. User Rating: 8.5/10 5,843 votes Language: English Country: UK Runtime: 120 min DESCARCA FILM SAU DESCARCA FILM DESCARCA FILM FILEBOX DESCARCA SUBTRITAREA FILEBOX